Selasa, 01 Desember 2015

Keep the spirit

Sumber Inet
Because you'r future in you'r hand
nothing person can change you'r future

always remember all your dreams
Tell to everyone about you dream, share to you'r friend about you'r dream

let everyone know about your dreams
because of their,a new spirit will rise

let them laugh at your dreams
let their laughter, become a passion for getting your dream

believe in yourself you can do any thing for you'r future
Do not listen to people who make you weak

be a strong person, do not be afraid to fail
because one failure is 1000 your best path to get you dream

And do not forget to pray to you God
because only God will bring us to the best way

Take you action, take you best effort, and let yourself fly in your best dreams.

Deni Febrian 20.30 (11/30/2015/ Baturaja)

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